Система управления молочным хозяйством


Вскрытие НАЧАЛО

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Система управления молочным хозяйством



Common Lesions of the Intestine

All of the photos above depict bowel that is full of clotted blood.
Notice the black dots in the mesentery ( tissue connecting the loops of bowel) surrounding the intestine. These are commonly found and are of no significance.

Most any bowel that is thick and corrugated (has many folds in it) is diseased. If you think that the bowel is thick, be sure to take a sample of it.

Intestine sampling video

The pieces of bowel in the above photos show ulcers in the Peyer's patches (lymph node tissue in the intestine) There may be areas of black, dead tissue with fibrous material like that depicted in the right photo.


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